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What I'm thinking about the morning after the election.
How I draft a book, in the most sensationalist way possible.
An unorganized list of thoughts, because let's be consistent with the theme.
How being excruciatingly boring has become my highest ideal
A farewell of sorts, to a phase of my art life.
I always ask everyone what podcasts they’re listening to,’s time for me to pay up 😅🫡.
Here to tell you the most annoying piece of advice I heard as a younger writer seems to be true.
...and runs away with you! About the Bring Back Blogging project, and some thoughts about how our little moon-farkle grew bigger than expected.
Is this the most tormented elder millenial post? I don’t know! On self-improvement and taking breaks from the project of me.
An informal rundown of how the year went for me writing-wise, including stats, vibes, and surprises.
All of the books I read this year, ranging from memoir to SFF to litfic. Come on in to see my top picks.
Uhhh so I finished the second draft of my novel this week. It's been almost two years since I've really finished a novel draft...
I’ve been thinking about gut feeling in both design and writing.
On being an overdeleter, positive feedback, form rejections.
Me and my brain, dramatized by me! and numerous half-feral dogs.
I used to consider harsh critique the road to improvement, a necessary tool for creatives. Why should we cool it with these epic takedowns, and what does life look like beyond harsh, gatekeep-y critique?
How does an artist, especially a working artist, ride the line between some kind of creative career and staying true to their vision?